social security disability benefits

Disability Advocates Group Florida regularly assists clients who are applying for disability benefits throughout Miami, Tampa, Orlando, Jacksonville, and the broader Florida region. If you or a loved one cannot work due to a disability, we stand ready to defend your rights. Our disability lawyers are knowledgeable about the strict requirements of Social Security and can guide you past the challenges of submitting a benefits claim.

Though the application process can be overwhelming and a number of initial claims get declined, partnering with an experienced disability lawyer helps your chances of getting disability benefits. When we assist you, we handle all aspects of your claim, relieving you from the associated stress. Navigating through government procedures can sometimes make you feel overlooked, but rest assured, your claim is our foremost concern. Above all, our commitment is to always prioritize your well-being and make sure you are treated with the respect and dignity you deserve.

What is the process of applying for disability benefits in Florida? 

To get disability benefits, you need to complete and submit an application to your local Social Security Administration (SSA) office, whether by mail, online, or face-to-face. Your application should include the following details:

  • Your Social Security Number
  • Your birth certificate
  • Medical professionals’ contact details
  • Names and amounts of prescribed drugs
  • Comprehensive employment history

The application also has sections for your educational history and work experience, as well as the constraints your medical condition places on routine activities. Your submission must include medical proof that both (1) confirms you have an eligible medical condition and (2) shows that this condition severely impedes your capacity to work.

Making sure your application is accurate is essential. If it is inaccurate or lacks information, there’s a risk of claim denial. Working with our experienced disability lawyers provides you the assurance that your benefits claim will be managed proficiently.

How is a disability claim evaluated? 

Claims for Social Security disability are first evaluated by examiners using various benchmarks. For instance, if you’re aiming for SSDI benefits, it’s imperative to have accumulated the required work credits. Typically, you should have 40 work credits, with at least half of them obtained in the most recent decade. For SSI benefits eligibility, financial limitations apply: $2,000 for singles and $3,000 for couples. Once you satisfy the SSDI’s work credit criteria or the SSI’s financial requirements, your application then proceeds to an assessment by Disability Determination Services.

The Disability Determination Services Review

Disability Determination Services (DDS) assesses claims, giving significant weight to medical documentation. Specifically, DDS evaluates if you can undertake the same kind of work you did prior to your disability. If they decide you are unable to do so, they then see if you can be trained for a different role.

Even though the SSA has a list of conditions that are eligible for disability benefits, there are times when DDS requires an impartial medical viewpoint for a conclusive decision. In such cases, you’ll be asked to attend one or more evaluative medical examinations. As these assessments only reflect your condition at the given moment, having an extensive medical history is pivotal. This is where the Disability Advocates Group Florida steps in. We’ll gather the required medical evidence to help your claim, including examination findings, lab results, X-rays, surgery records, post-operative care, and other pertinent medical details.

Once your claim is green-lit, DDS will issue a letter detailing your monthly benefit sum and the anticipated commencement date for these payments. Considering the claim evaluation might span 6 months or more, there’s a possibility of receiving benefits from an earlier date. On the contrary, if your claim is rebuffed, the correspondence will elucidate the rationale behind it and guide you on the appeal process.

A rejection might be dispiriting, but with a seasoned disability lawyer by your side, maneuvering the appeal process becomes feasible. At Disability Advocates Group Florida, we pride ourselves on representing our clients when they’re most in need. Be it aiding with disability benefits applications or guiding you through an appeal, our attorneys are dedicated to delivering empathy and the individual care you merit.

Contact Our Florida Disability Attorney

At Disability Advocates Group Florida, we recognize that navigating the disability benefits application process can be challenging. The journey of filling out mandatory documents, gathering medical proof, and adhering to SSA protocols demands unwavering dedication. Our committed team of disability lawyers and supporting staff is here to steer you every step of the way, ensuring you secure the benefits rightfully yours. When it’s a matter of your health and future, trust Disability Advocates Group Florida. Reach out to our office now for a free consultation. Remember, our legal fees only apply when we successfully obtain benefits for you.