By Michelle Shvarts
Principal Attorney

Living with degenerative disc disease (DDD) can be physically and emotionally challenging. When seeking Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) in Florida, it’s crucial to present a comprehensive case supported by compelling evidence. One of the key elements that can significantly strengthen your claim is the use of imaging and diagnostic tests. In this blog post, Disability Advocates Group explores the vital role of these tests in the context of DDD, providing insight and guidance for individuals navigating the SSDI or SSI application process.

1. Establishing the Medical Basis for Your Claim

The Social Security Administration (SSA) requires a clear and documented medical basis for your disability claim. Imaging such as X-rays, MRIs, and CT scans plays a pivotal role in providing concrete evidence of the degeneration of your spinal discs. Disability Advocates Group emphasizes the importance of including these images in your application to establish a solid medical foundation for your case.

2. Quantifying the Severity of Degeneration

Diagnostic tests provide not only visual proof of degenerative disc disease but also quantitative data that can quantify the severity of the condition. Including these quantifiable measures, such as the degree of disc degeneration or any associated complications, strengthens your case by offering objective evidence of the impact on your ability to work.

3. Correlating Test Results with Functional Limitations

An effective disability claim not only establishes the medical aspects of your condition but also correlates these findings with your functional limitations. Clearly articulating how the results of diagnostic tests directly relate to your ability to perform daily activities or work-related tasks adds a critical layer of relevance to your claim.

4. Addressing Invisible Disabilities with Tangible Evidence

While the pain associated with DDD might be invisible, diagnostic tests provide tangible evidence of the underlying physiological issues. This is particularly important when dealing with a condition like DDD, where the impact on your daily life might not be immediately apparent. Including these test results offers undeniable proof of the legitimacy of your claim.

5. The Specifics of Imaging for Degenerative Disc Disease

Highlighting the specifics of the imaging process for DDD can be beneficial. Explaining how these tests reveal disc degeneration, herniation, or nerve compression adds a layer of clarity to your application. Disability Advocates Group recommends including a detailed explanation of the imaging procedures undergone, emphasizing their relevance to your disability claim.

Working with Disability Advocates Group

Navigating the intricacies of the SSDI or SSI application process for degenerative disc disease can be overwhelming. Disability Advocates Group is here to guide you through every step. Our experienced attorneys understand the importance of imaging and diagnostic tests in building a compelling case for DDD disability claims. We are committed to helping you present the strongest possible application.

In your pursuit of SSDI or SSI for degenerative disc disease in Florida, leveraging imaging and diagnostic tests is paramount. These tests provide concrete evidence of the medical basis of your claim, quantify the severity of your condition, and correlate findings with functional limitations. Disability Advocates Group is dedicated to assisting you in navigating this process and ensuring that your application is supported by robust and compelling documentation. Contact us today for personalized assistance on your journey to securing the benefits you deserve.

About the Author
Ms. Shvarts and the rest of the team at Disability Advocates Group are dedicated to assisting individuals in Florida obtain Social Security Disability Benefits (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits.