Woman at computer in office, thinking and reading email. request for reconsideration. ssi appeal in florida

When you’ve applied for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) in Florida and received a denial, the next step in the appeals process is filing a Request for Reconsideration. At Disability Advocates Group Florida in Florida, we understand how crucial this stage is for claimants, and we’re here to guide you through the process.

A Request for Reconsideration is filed after an initial SSDI or SSI claim is denied. This is the first step in the appeals process and must be filed within 60 days of receiving the denial notice.

The Process for Filing a Request for Reconsideration for SSDI or SSI Claims

To file a Request for Reconsideration, you need to complete the following forms:

  1. Form SSA-561: Request for Reconsideration
  2. Form SSA-3441: Disability Report – Appeal
  3. Form SSA-827: Authorization to Disclose Information to the Social Security Administration

These forms can be obtained from the Social Security Administration (SSA) website or your local SSA office. You can file your request:

  1. Online through the SSA’s website:  https://www.ssa.gov
  2. By mail to your local SSA office
  3. In person at your local SSA office

When filing, include any new medical evidence that supports your claim. This could be recent test results, doctor’s reports, or hospital records that weren’t part of your initial application.

How Long do Requests for Reconsideration for SSDI or SSI Claims Take in Florida? 

The process typically takes 3-5 months to receive a reply for a Request for Reconsideration. However, this can vary depending on the complexity of your case and the current workload of the SSA office handling your claim.

Success Rates for Requests for Reconsideration for SSDI or SSI Claims in Florida

Unfortunately, the success rates for Requests for Reconsideration are generally low. In Florida, as of the most recent data:

  • Approximately 13% of Requests for Reconsideration are approved
  • This is slightly lower than the national average of about 15%

While these numbers may seem discouraging, it’s important to remember that many claims that are denied at this stage go on to be approved at later stages of the appeals process.

What are the Next Steps if Your Request for Reconsideration is Denied?

If your Request for Reconsideration is denied, the next step is to request a hearing before an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ). This request must be filed within 60 days of receiving the reconsideration denial notice. The hearing level has a much higher approval rate, with about 50% of cases being approved nationally.

How a Disability Attorney Can Help with Requests for Reconsideration

At Disability Advocates Group Florida, we strongly recommend working with a disability attorney during the Request for Reconsideration stage. An experienced attorney can significantly improve your chances of success by:

  1. Reviewing your initial application: We can identify any weaknesses in your original claim and address them in the reconsideration request.
  2. Gathering new evidence: We know what evidence is most persuasive to the SSA and can help you obtain additional medical records, test results, or specialist opinions that strengthen your case.
  3. Properly completing forms: We ensure all necessary forms are filled out correctly and completely, avoiding potential delays or issues due to administrative errors.
  4. Communicating with the SSA: We handle all communications with the SSA on your behalf, ensuring your case is presented professionally and all deadlines are met.
  5. Expediting the process: In some cases, we may be able to request an expedited review if your situation is particularly dire.
  6. Preparing for the next step: If the reconsideration is denied, we’ll be prepared to immediately request a hearing before an Administrative Law Judge, ensuring no time is lost in pursuing your claim.
  7. Reducing stress: Dealing with the SSA can be overwhelming, especially when you’re managing a disability. We handle the complex paperwork and procedures, allowing you to focus on your health.

Remember, while the Request for Reconsideration stage has a low approval rate, it’s a necessary step in the appeals process. Many claimants who are denied at this stage go on to win their cases at the hearing level or beyond.

If you’re facing a Request for Reconsideration in Florida, don’t lose hope. The process can be complex, but with proper preparation and representation, you can improve your chances of eventually securing the benefits you need and deserve. At Disability Advocates Group Florida in Florida, we’re here to support you every step of the way. Contact us to learn more.